Writer's Showcase
created by
Annie Lansbury

Dear Readers,

Welcome each of you to the Writer's Showcase. I hope you will enjoy what you find here and come back week after week.

This week's Featured Writer included in her interview a vignette which is one of her most sought after writing styles. Her nfic vignettes or as some call them 'bedtime stories' are legendary and are in great demand by her army of devout fans. But, in this creative vignette she includes information about herself and her family. She gives us a glimpse at who are truly her inspiration and 'the light and love of her universe'.

Now without further ado, I am proud and honored to present this week's Writer, in the Writer's Showcase ...

Featured Writer of the Week
Julie Mack

Personal Information

Author name
Julie Mack

E-mail addresses

maintained by AMCiotola (Thanks Annette! You're the best!)


Annie Lansbury sat across from Julie Mack at the local Red Robin. She noticed that the forty-year-old five-foot one-inch mother had her hands full with her two children. The younger one, a boy who could smile the devil out of a person, was busy trying to unscrew the salt and pepper shakers. The girl, the spitting image of Julie, was sitting close to her mother, staring at Annie, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Annie smiled encouragingly at the little girl. Her big brown eyes got even wider and she promptly popped her thumb into her mouth.

Julie looked down at her and smiled indulgently. Looking up, she smiled sheepishly at Annie. "You have to excuse her. She's like this around people she doesn't know."

"I understand," said Annie. "That's probably a good thing."

Julie was about to answer when she grimaced. Annie followed her gaze and had to stifle the giggle that threatened to erupt. Julie's son was a scamp. He had managed to unscrew the pepper shaker and was gleefully pouring the brown-speckled spice into his hand. Both Julie and Annie watched as he tilted his head down and sniffed the mound of pepper. His head came back and he dramatically sneezed.

"Ah ... ah ... choo!" The little boy laughed at his own joke. Catching his mother's eye, his laughter died. He grinned and stared at her.

"What? I was just checking if I could sneeze."

Julie looked at Annie and rolled her eyes. "Oy ..."

Annie couldn't contain her laughter anymore. She burst out laughing, apologizing profusely all the while. Julie stared at her for a moment, the corners of her own mouth twitching. Finally, she broke out in a grin and joined Annie in laughter.

As the waitress brought over their sodas and the children's chocolate shakes, a sense of calm seemed to cover the table. Julie watched her children for a moment, a soft smile playing on her lips. She sighed and turned to Annie.

"Now you see why I write?"

Annie smiled and nodded. "Shall we begin the interview?"

"Sure." Julie took a sip from her glass of soda.

Q: Where do you live?
A: Officially, it's Los Angeles, California. But that's not exactly descriptive enough. LA is a big city. Let's just say that we live in a two-story townhouse that's about 10 minutes away from Burbank and seems to be a lifetime away from Malibu and Dean Cain. Sigh ...that's probably a good thing to Charlie, my husband's, way to thinking <g>.

Along with our train print collection and my Superman/Lois and Clark/Dean Cain memorabilia, we have somewhere in the midst of all the chaos these two children here Caroline (age 6) and Sean (age 4). No pets, unless you count two goldfish who we got at a birthday party two years ago and haven't had the good sense to float belly up, darn it! <g>

Q: What are your list affiliations?
A: Loiscla and Loiscla-L&Cfanfic

Lois and Clark or Superman Status

Q: How long have you been watching L&C?
A: Ever since it premiered on that network that's currently in fourth place <g>. It's the one show that no one in my household had an argument about. Sunday nights at 8 PM, the remote would miraculously disappear <g> and we'd all sit and watch good QUALITY television. Charlie and I would answer the kids' questions about how Superman could fly, or why that "shiny green rock" made him sick, or why he could melt things with his eyes. We'd all sit on the couch and watch Lois and Clark for our own reasons.

We still watch it on TNT. Carlie and Sean watch it because it's Superman (I'm training them early, y'see <g>). Charlie watches it because of Teri Hatcher, and I can't fault him for that. She's a beautiful woman and a talented actress. Me? I watch it just because <g>. And if you believe *that* ... I've got some Ocean Front Property to sell ya in Arizona <g>.

All right, I'll admit it, I get a thrill out of watching a certain gorgeous hunk of an actor <g>. My heart beats a little faster, my palms get sweaty, my knees get wobbly, my breathing gets shallow, and I get this wonderful and luscious warm feeling all over my ... um, I'd better not go there <BEG>. I got this reaction when I first saw the Pilot episode and honest to gosh, I still get the same reaction when I watch L&C on TNT. Yup, my children and husband *know* that when L&C is on, it is *not* a good idea to bother me! LOL don't know what it is ... maybe because everything I've ever read or heard about Dean Cain indicates to me that he is a real-life "Clark Kent". They're a rare breed. Luckily, I found my own Clark in Charlie <g>. But, I still hope to meet Dean. Someday. Shyeah, right. Like when Hell freezes over.

Q: How long have you been a fan of Superman?
A: I guess ever since I was able to read I've been a Superman fan. I'd read anything and everything I could get my hands on and that included comic books. I never was a big Archie fan, which all my girl friends were. Nope, I was a tomboy, so whatever the guys were reading, that's what caught my interest. They liked Batman, I guess because of the darkness. Me? I liked Superman. All the "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" stuff appealed to me. Plus, I've always been a sucker for blue.

I also remember being allowed to watch the black and white episodes of Superman that starred George Reeves. I'd watch in amazement that a man could fly without a plane. What did I know? I was a kid! Heck, I still believed that the Tooth Fairy left me money under my pillow (thanks, Mom <g>). I also remember admiring how Lois Lane had a *job* and wasn't a housewife who did the housework in a full skirt and pearl necklace. I had absolutely *no* desire to be like June Cleaver. But Lois Lane? That was another story <g>.

Q: How long have you been writing?
A: Gosh, that's not an easy question to answer. I think I've always written. Letters to my cousins in the Philippines giving them details about life here in the US were probably my first venture into writing with detail and description. I was always writing in school. Synopses of stories when I was in the fifth grade even before I knew what a synopsis was! I have always had a vivid imagination, so when it came time to do creative writing in elementary and middle school, I was always one of the first to finish. I remember writing stories that took elements of what I had seen in various TV shows and blended them together. I remember in high school keeping an English journal in my junior and senior years where pages and pages of short stories were written. And don't even get me started on college <g>. I was a math major who took *lots* and *lots* of English and History courses. Term papers, analyses of folklore and mythology, self-assessment papers, and yes, even the occasional creative writing class assignment <g> Yep, I've been writing a long, long time. And yes, I'll admit it here, I even wrote a story, submitted it to 16 Magazine and it got printed! Um, anyone remember "Here Come the Brides"? Gee, I hope not <g>.

Q: How long have you been writing L&C fanfic?
A: LOL! It seems like forever, but actually, I've only been writing L&C fanfic a little over a year, I think. I used to post regularly on the L&C message boards. Remember Top Ten Lists? That was me. And that was my first endeavor into doing something creative and humorous related to Lois and Clark.

Then, I discovered the wonders of IRC. I have always been a fan of L&C fanfic and was *thrilled* to "meet" and chat with some of my favorite writers. I knew them because of their fanfics and nfics; they knew me because of my Top Ten Lists. I kind of "fell" into writing L&C fanfic. I was invited into an IRC channel with all of these other writers. Before I knew it, I was swept up in the fun of creating an L&C story. I've been hooked ever since.

Q: What types of Fanfic have you written?
A: Good golly, Annette (my website maintainer <g>) told me the other day that I have written *104* fanfics! I was, to quote Lois, "shocked ... stunned ... in need of oxygen" to say the least! Of those 100+ fanfics, there are TUFS episodes, round robin fanfics, round robin nfics, collaborations on nfic, and more "bedtime vignettes" than I can say without blushing in embarrassment. You'd think by the overwhelming number of nfics that I've written on that I'm some kind of "sicko, psycho-sexual ..." Well, it's not true. Honest! I'm a high school career counselor for gosh sakes! <g>

Q: Most recent story posted?
A: LOL ... This may change by the time this questionnaire is posted, but as of when I'm writing this, my most recent story is a "Missy and Mack" collaboration, the nfic titled "You Never Know ..."

Q: Favorite story you've written?
A: I thoroughly enjoyed writing on "The Sea Hawk", "The Tai", and all the other round robin fanfics and nfics.

And, there are my first ventures into the world of nfic -- a series of stories collaboratively called "The Clarkie Chronicles" that BeckyFoxx and I wrote. LOL! Believe it or not, those stories were written in an AOL private chat room where you can only write about ten, maybe twelve, words at a time! Talk about a challenge! <g>

If I had to choose *one* story? Hmmm. I suppose that my all-time favorite story that I've written would have to be "Hot For Teacher." I guess, everyone whose ever gone to school has wondered what teachers do in their spare time. And I guess, that every teacher has had *some* kind of fantasy of "after hours" at school <BEG> Now, not that *all* of them have this particular ... um, hobby... (writing nfic), but I continue to be pleasantly surprised at the number of teachers, counselors, librarians, and other "mild-mannered" professionals that are FoLCs and who enjoy writing fanfic *of any type.* It just goes to show ya ... ya *can't* judge a book by it's cover ... or an educator by their roll book <BEG>

Q: Current project?
A: Again, this will probably change by the time this survey is posted, but right now, I'm in between projects. I guess the Coca-Cola hasn't kicked in and my muse hasn't been sufficiently inspired. But, hang out with me on IRC for a while, you just never know what's going to start me off <g>.

Q: Personal picks of other Fanfic you've read?
A: Gee, it's really difficult to single out fanfic from other writers, probably because once I find a writer whose work I love, I read everything that I can that's been written by them. So, with that in mind, I personally recommend any and all fanfic that's been written by Zoomway, Kathy Brown (I still re-read "Camping With Clark" for inspiration <g>), Demi ("Heaven's Prisoners" still makes me cry everytime I read it), Sheila Harper, JEAGAN, Chris Mulder , and Crystal Wimmer. There are probably other writers that I'm not remembering right now. To be honest, there are very few fanfics that I haven't enjoyed reading.

Oh! There *is* one fanfic that I will single out and whole-heartedly recommend. It's by Nekanuq (love ya, Nek) and is available on the fanfic archive. "The True and Amazing Adventures of Wanda Detroit" It's great!

Interview Questions

Q: What attracted you to writing Fanfic and what about it do you enjoy?
A: The main reason that I write fanfic/nfic is that for me, it's away to relax and unwind and just let my imagination go in whatever direction it wants to. Real life for me is hectic (two kids, a husband, a recent promotion, *and* going back to school for the first time in 17 years) and rather than go to therapy and pay an outrageous sum of money to have someone ask me "And how does that make you feel?" ... I write.

I have been completely and utterly fascinated and enchanted by the characters of Lois Lane and Clark Kent as brought to life by Teri Hatcher and Dean Cain. The chemistry and relationship is just so well done, so *real* that I can almost reach out and touch it; it's that tangible to me.

This fascination and enchantment has kind of reawakened my "creative writing muse." "She" is the one that nudges me; I'm simply the one who transfers her ideas from my brain where they're whispered to the keyboard and onto the monitors of my fellow FoLCs <g>.

I "hear" the voices of Lois and Clark and I "see" their movements and actions as clearly as if I were actually there in person. And when what I hear and see all gels together, I *have* to write it down. The story will stay with me, bother me, get under my skin, and basically run havoc with my life until I do write it down. That happened one time and the story ended up writing itself ... in six chapters! (For those who are curious, it's my story titled "For Now")

That's how I write ...that's how I've always written. No outlines, no notes, just what's in my head. So far, FoLCs have liked what I've done. Either that, or they just don't want to hurt my feelings <g> And boy, when it's a "bedtime story" ... those fellow gutter splashers are relentless! LOL

Q: What about the L&C and the characters do you like the most?
A: The strange thing is (or maybe it's not that strange), a large part of what I like about L&C is wrapped up in the acting talents and skills of Teri Hatcher and Dean Cain ... Dean, especially. I mean, the show in and of itself, was and still is a joy to watch. It really and truly developed the characters of its four-year life span. They didn't remain stagnant, they moved forward and revealed new aspects of their personas on a fairly regular basis.

I could really see Clark develop from the naive, unsure "hack from Nowheresville" into the still slightly naive but confident man that he became by the end of season four. A large part of that, I know, is because of Dean's development as an actor. Season one, the "cringe factor" was high. Sorry, Dean, but it's true. There were moments and scenes that just looked and felt awkward to me as a viewer and I'm sure felt just as awkward to him as an actor. But, by season four, Clark was decidedly more self-assured and confident. He fit in. So did Dean. He grew into the part of Clark, made it his own and put a little (OK, a lot) of himself into the role. The "cringe factor" was near nonexistent.

As far as Lois goes, Teri always had the skill to show the many layers that were this complicated character. Smart and brassy, insecure and feminine, Lois was all of this. So was Teri.

It's a credit to both Dean and Teri that Lois and Clark were so real and believable to so many of us. I mean, I can't remember the last time I reacted to a television show the way I have reacted to Lois and Clark. I yelled at the television when Lois had amnesia. I cried when Clark had to leave for New Krypton. I breathed a sigh of relief when they *finally* got married. And I ached for them both when they found out they were "biologically incompatible." Sigh ...yup, there's a lot I like about Lois and Clark.

The characters themselves? First and foremost, there's a feeling of "always and forever" between Lois and Clark. That no matter what they are doing, their love and relationship always there. They can be arguing, they can be working, they can even be in different locations, but there's always the feeling of togetherness. Their relationship isn't just built on love, it's built on trust. And respect. And belief. Belief in themselves and belief in each other. They don't make their own needs or wants subordinate to the other's needs or wants. They're truly partners. And friends. And lovers. Everyday, they live the adage that "Being with you is stronger than being alone." Sigh ... it doesn't get much better than that. Would that real life could be that way <g>.

Q: How do you interpret them in your work?
A: As I've said, I kind of "hear" Lois and Clark talking in my head. I also "see" scenes and action in my head. My muse translates it all ...and I write it down <g> ... I've been told that my dialog sounds as if it could be said by Dean and Teri ... er, Lois and Clark <g> ... I'm thinking that's a good thing. I like to portray them as much as possible as a loving and caring couple. Not perfect, mind you. But "normal" is good. I also like a lot of WAFFs and am perfectly content to write a story with absolutely no A-plot <g>. After all, we're talking about fictional characters here.

Q: How did you begin writing in general?
A: In general? Um, I just kind of wait for inspiration to strike me. Isn't that how everyone writes? LOL

No, seriously. Whether it was an essay for high school or a term paper in college, I always would put a blank paper into my trusty typewriter and just ... write. I'd write and write and write until the ideas stopped flowing out of my brain. Then I'd read it and "tweak" it until I was satisfied with the way it sounded and read. I know other writers will outline and make notes, but I've never written that way. Maybe I should try that.

More often than not, my fellow FoLCs are the sources of inspiration for me. Whether it's a certain thread in the conversation on IRC, or a particular "word" that piques my muse's interest, I've found them to be the best inspiration for my L&C writing.

And sometimes, like with my bedtime "vignettes", the whole thing starts on a dare <BEG>. Thanks Zoomway! <g>

Q: What are you working on now and where do you see it going?
A: Um, I'm not really working on anything right now. I do have a story that's partially written, but it's been put on hold for a while now. It's not an L&C story and maybe that's part of the problem. I keep getting "distracted" by round robins and nfic vignettes. And what a wonderful distraction it is!

The story, if it *ever* gets done has an A-plot (gasp!) and characters that I'm *trying* not to base on Lois and Clark. But, like I said, I keep getting sucked back into the world of L&C and enjoying myself. Not that that's a bad thing. Oooh! Did I just say "sucked"? <BEG>

Q: What is your opinion about the following types of L&C fanfic's?
Q: Action?
A: I enjoy reading a good action story. I personally would not write one that was A-plot intensive, I just can't seem to get beyond L&C and all that WAFF. I had to write stories like that for TUFS, and that was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Um, writing-wise I mean <g>>

Q: Drama?
A: If done right, within the context of Lois and Clark, then I enjoy reading it. Again, I personally would be hard pressed to write an L&C drama. But, if the drama starts straying into darker alleys ...well, let's just say that in my humble opinion, it would probably play better in Gotham City than it would in Metropolis.

Q: Humor?
A: I love writing humor and try to include it in whatever I write. In my opinion, the best L&C episodes were the ones that balanced the action and the drama with the WAFFs and the humor. That's probably why I wouldn't have been a good writer for the show. I would have tipped the scales toward the WAFFs and humor.

Q: Round Robins?
A: I think round robins are great fun. I participate in them because they are and because I think it's neat to see how a story comes together with so many different writers and styles. The challenge of following what has been previously written and adding to that is also something I look forward to participating in and taking up each time I write with my fellow authors. There have been recent discussions and posts about round robins on the fanfic listserv and all I have to add is that I agree with Zoomway, Georgia, Misha, Eileen, Demi, and Peabody.

Q: Nfic?
A: Nfic? What's that? Oh, the smut stories? I hate them <g> ...just kidding ... um what can I say? Take a look at my webpage and you'll see exactly what I think about nfic ...

Q: Has *everything* been done in your opinion, and if not, what is left?
A: *Everything*??? Gosh, I don't think everything will *ever* be done. There are so many stories that could still be written. The challenge is in trying to figure out what they are. I like writing on stories that show what might have happened "in between" episodes. I also like writing on stories that explain what could have happened between scenes <g>.

I'd like to see stories about their dating period. Lucky Leon just wasn't enough for me! What did they do? Where did they go? And darn it ... did they ever dance again???

I'd also like to see stories about their adjustment to married life. I know that not everything was perfect between my husband and I and I doubt that everything was hearts and flowers between Lois and Clark. I know the round robin group has one currently in the editing stages that deals with moving from Clark's apartment to the Hyperion brownstone, but that's just one aspect. Who pays the bills? Who takes out the trash? AKA Superman showed us a little of what it's like to be married to a superhero, but what's it like being married to a "hard bitten news reporter"? <g> Marriage is a give and take type of situation, more so than when you're dating or engaged.

Q: What do you think makes the best story?
A: The best story are the ones that makes me "feel." If I can "hear" Lois and Clark talking, if I can "see" the action in my mind's eye, if I can react to the words and the images emotionally and/or physically, then the author has done his/her job.

Q: Any final comments?
A: I openly admit that I don't try to follow whatever is the "correct" style for writing. I'm not a professional writer and have no aspirations of being one. I write purely for my own relaxation and enjoyment. If in the process, I entertain my fellow FoLCs, then that's just icing on the cake for me <g>. I put a lot of myself into what I write (yup, that "research" really helps <BEG>) and I hope that means that people can relate to what I write.

I want to publicly thank Annette (AMCiotola) for maintaining my web site. *And* also for supplying me with my cyber-coke IVs for all of those bedtime stories. I also want to thank my fellow FoLCs who spalsh in the gutter with me (and you know who you are <BEG>). Ladies, you are all truly an inspiration!

I hope that you enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoy writing them. Thanks! ;)

Julie Mack (who keeps hoping that maybe, just maybe Hell will freeze over one of these days here soon ... OK, that's an inside joke for all my fellow Dean-droolers <g>)